August news – funding our social services

Maxkw nipenewi “it is summer” here in Caney, KS. Public schools have started and it is still plenty hot! How quickly time passes. In my July message, I mentioned our Delaware Tribe of Indians website for your perusal to better acquaint yourself with our Tribe. I would also recommend going to Wikipedia and reading their overview of the “Lenape” people. Our longevity and endurance are why I emphasize our commitment to you, the reinsurance industry.

So, now what commitment has the domicile made to the tribe? The Delaware Tribe of Indians is a social services body, which provides Community, Educational, Elders and Enrollment services. There are many programs, which include our Family and Children Services, Historic Preservation, Environmental, Language Revitalization, Veterans and Elders. For example, our scholarship program has aided students from the first day of college to graduation. One of our more popular programs is our Title VI Elder nutrition program which up until the COVID-19 closure provided congregate meals at our main Community Center, allowing the socialization of our Senior citizens. However, to this day our Director provides a noon meal that can be picked up by the individual, volunteer or caregiver.

A sizeable amount of funding has been budgeted into the domicile’s financials for disbursement to these programs, as needed or formulated and directed by our Tribal Council. Our Tribal Support Services team, myself and our Council all have the objective of providing assistance to our Tribal members and in addition to other Native Americans through our federal programs. So, until next time or sooner at the Agents Summit, our purpose is to continue to preserve our Tribe’s heritage.

Wanishi! (thank you)