“Meli Keleshmesh” and “Weli Newiyal” Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! As this year comes to a close do not trouble yourself on whether or not to pause or delay your submissions. Our many years of experience helps us understand the demands and necessity of timeliness upon which this industry depends. Our veteran Tribal Support Services team also developed an efficient electronic method of doing business with you, our valued Insurance Managers. So, take heart, we will be accessible during these final days of the year.
Our Delaware Tribe of Indians enjoys the continued support of the Tribal Domicile as we continue to help our people during this Holiday season. Chief Killscrow’s encouragement and facilitation only bolsters our ability to subsidize our various social services programs. We recently provided assistance to our tribal and non-tribal employees to help them during this time of year.
We intend to enjoy Christmas and hope you do the same. We are excited to bring in the New Year. Look for more on the upcoming 2022 Agent Summit. We wish everyone well this Holiday Season. Please explore our website, tribaldomicile.com…we would be happy to schedule a conference call to answer any questions you may have.
Wanishi Thank you
Allan R. Barnes
Domicile Commissioner Delaware Tribe of Indians