November news – Veterans Committee donation

“Michitam Chikenem” – Let’s eat turkey! Thanksgiving is time to give thanks and certainly, our Tribal Domicile feels that way and is thankful for the tremendous support we receive from you. Attending GPW’s F&I Product Conference was an excellent opportunity for our team, Tribal Support Services, and me to see old friends and make new ones. This conference is extremely valuable in keeping up with current trends and changes in tax regulations and their implications. Thank you GPW.

I believe our story is compelling and it is always my privilege to share what we as a tribe are trying to accomplish to better our people. During the conference I once again spoke of the Social Services Programs and Committees our tribe supports and the contributions from the Domicile to assist in those different departments. So, when Chief Killscrow approached me about making a significant award to the Veterans Committee for an on campus Veterans Memorial in tribute to our Delaware Tribe servicemen and women, I immediately supported his proposal. By the way, in our congregate dining and meeting room, Forsythe Hall, we have our Wall of Honor photos for our servicemen and women. My dad and his four brothers are on that wall.

So, it was with great pride that our domicile presented a check for $195,000 to the Veterans Committee at our General Council meeting on November 13th. When I spoke at the conference you may have noticed I became a little emotional about us losing so many elders and that we wanted our Veterans to realize this memorial during their lifetime. This is the intent of our Domicile and how we look to advance these tribal programs.

We wish everyone well this Thanksgiving and Holiday season. Please explore our website,, and know we welcome your calls and are happy to schedule a conference call.

“Wanishi” – Thank you

September news – Agent Summit reflection

First of all, I’d like to congratulate the winner of our Pendleton blanket: Timothy Burke of Pekin Insurance, Pekin IL. Tim, “shipen ne ahkwiyan” (spread out the blanket).

Our Tribal domicile came away from the Agent’s Summit pleased with the many visitors we sat with in our banquet room, even on Wednesday morning as the Summit was winding down. Thank you. We appreciate your interest and taking the time to meet and greet our team. That’s all we ask because I know you will be impressed with the expertise Elaine and Rhonda of Tribal Support Services bring to the table.

Something I have repeated several times is that the Tribal Domicile will be here always. Not to appear too maudlin, I have to mention the crossing over of our Chief, Chester (Chet) Brooks, shortly before the Agent Summit. His commitment to the Domicile was demonstrated by his previous trips to this event. In fact, we discussed him making this trip until his health prevented him from coming. Our Assistant Chief, now Chief, Brad Kills Crow, was scheduled to attend as well, to introduce and acquaint himself with you and the industry and subsequently promote the continuous pledge made by our tribe. Even with our sudden loss and the immediate demands of becoming chief, Chief Kills Crow undertook this journey.

The Delaware Tribe of Indians is a social services body, which provides program assistance for Tribal, Community, Educational, Elders, Children and more. We are delighted to be able to use the income generated from our domicile to fund these critical tribal programs. Recently we were able to offer scholarships to several students in need.

There is no need to repeat the cliché. So, as we all move forward in our professional endeavors, maybe we too can establish a legacy our peers, friends and family can be proud of. The GPW & Associates F&I Product Conference is packed with impressive speakers and invaluable topics. Our team looks forward to November 8th – growing our existing relationships and building new ones. We listen! See you there or contact us anytime and experience our pleasant professionalism.

Wanishi (thank you)

August news – funding our social services

Maxkw nipenewi “it is summer” here in Caney, KS. Public schools have started and it is still plenty hot! How quickly time passes. In my July message, I mentioned our Delaware Tribe of Indians website for your perusal to better acquaint yourself with our Tribe. I would also recommend going to Wikipedia and reading their overview of the “Lenape” people. Our longevity and endurance are why I emphasize our commitment to you, the reinsurance industry.

So, now what commitment has the domicile made to the tribe? The Delaware Tribe of Indians is a social services body, which provides Community, Educational, Elders and Enrollment services. There are many programs, which include our Family and Children Services, Historic Preservation, Environmental, Language Revitalization, Veterans and Elders. For example, our scholarship program has aided students from the first day of college to graduation. One of our more popular programs is our Title VI Elder nutrition program which up until the COVID-19 closure provided congregate meals at our main Community Center, allowing the socialization of our Senior citizens. However, to this day our Director provides a noon meal that can be picked up by the individual, volunteer or caregiver.

A sizeable amount of funding has been budgeted into the domicile’s financials for disbursement to these programs, as needed or formulated and directed by our Tribal Council. Our Tribal Support Services team, myself and our Council all have the objective of providing assistance to our Tribal members and in addition to other Native Americans through our federal programs. So, until next time or sooner at the Agents Summit, our purpose is to continue to preserve our Tribe’s heritage.

Wanishi! (thank you)

July news – thank you for your business

Nulelintam eli paekw, “welcome, I’m glad you all came,” from the Lenape language dictionary of the Delaware Tribe. These words and phraseology can be found on our website in our Lenape talking dictionary. Preserving our culture and language is probably the most fundamental aspect of our tribe. Why do I begin by sharing this with you? Because, as a Tribal member, I am proud our language and history have withstood the test of time.

Maybe you have heard me mention the origins of the Delaware “Lenape” tribe on the east coast or maybe in fact have one of the 1778 Treaty with the Delaware $1 gold coin. My point is for the past 243 years and even long before that very first Treaty, our Tribe has weathered the perils of time and strife. That’s why I confidently emphasize our long-term commitment to you and the reinsurance industry.

So, in closing, I would like to acknowledge our numerous Insurance Managers who are actively submitting applications for company formations. I am happy you have discovered the ease of doing business with our domicile and the efficiency of our process. I look forward to thanking you personally. We welcome all interested professionals to give us a try.